Music And Children – Facts And Myths

There are so many misconceptions amongst parents when it comes to music and children. While some parents strongly believe that music can prove to be positively effective for even a baby in the womb, others believe that music has no impact on the overall growth and development of a foetus or a small child. If you’re a young parent and are wondering how music can prove to have a positive or negative impact on your little one, there are certain basic facts and myths that you need to educate yourself on. Today, we have compiled these facts and myths about children and music for you. Here’s everything you need to know:


  • Music Plays An Important Role In Improving Memory

When your child regularly starts playing a musical instrument and he follows some sort of a music sheet to perform, he will be using his memory skills to do so and this will help sharpen his memory. Further, it has been scientifically proven that listening to music or playing a musical instrument can stimulate parts of the brain that are directly related to our memory.

  • Reasoning And Language Skills Can Be Developed

The part of the human brain that deals with music also deals with language and reasoning skills. Hence, children who regularly play a musical instrument are more likely to have sharper reasoning and language skills. The left side of the brain that is linked to logical and analytical thinking is also enhanced with regular practice of a musical instrument.

  • Better Coordination

Just like a sport, music too can help to improve the coordination amongst children. The rotor skills of a child get developed when he or she plays a musical instrument on a regular basis. Studies and research have also proven that children who play musical instruments have better hand-eye coordination than those kids who don’t indulge in any musical preferences.

  • More Disciplined

Children who regularly practice and master a musical instrument are far more disciplined than those children who don’t. This is because children who play a musical instrument need to set some time aside on a daily basis to practice or create fresh music. Most kids have a fixed hour of the day that they dedicate to the practice of their musical instrument. In order to be able to stick to that daily practice routine, the child requires self-discipline.

  • Helps With Learning Disabilities

If a child suffers from any learning disabilities like dyslexia, attention deficit disorder and other such ailments, it is highly recommended that the parents encourage the child to take up a musical instrument. Studies and research have proven that the regular practice of a musical instrument is very effective in improving the focus of a child with learning disabilities.

  • Better Vocabulary And Reading

Studies have indicated that children who have undertaken the regular practice of a musical instrument tend to have a much more vast vocabulary than those children who don’t indulge in any form of musical creativity. Further, the reading skills of musically active children are also far more impressive than those kids who aren’t involved with the regular practice of a musical instrument.


  • Music Lessons Are Far Too Difficult

This is one of the most famous myths that children and parents have stuck in their heads. Music lessons require regular practice, dedication and patience, but that is something that is required with any and every skill. Just because little efforts are needed to master a musical instrument, it doesn’t mean that music lessons are far too difficult.

  • I Don’t Wish To Force My Child

A lot of parents are under the misconception that pushing their children to learn a musical instrument means forcing them to take up a hobby. This isn’t true. The same way that you encourage your child to eat his veggies for his overall development, well-being and growth, you need to also encourage him to take up a musical instrument for his mental and creative development and growth.

  • Music Classes Are Far Too Expensive

Another myth that seems to be floating about is the fact that music classes are far too expensive and unaffordable. Contrary to popular belief, there are countless beginners and intermediate classes for children at many music schools that are totally budget-friendly and affordable.

  • My Child Doesn’t Have Natural Talent

While natural talent may give your child a cut above the rest, there’s no compulsion that your child needs to have natural talent in order to play and master a musical instrument well. Regular and dedicated practice is more than enough to make your child competitive in the field of music. So don’t hold back from getting your child involved in music just because he doesn’t seem to have the necessary natural talent or the traits of a musical prodigy.

Music Is Fun – Furtado’s School Of Music
Now that you know the myths and facts of learning a musical instrument, it’s time that you actually encourage your child to take up a musical instrument of his choice. The Furtado’s School of Music is one of the best music schools that offers many different musical courses that range from guitars to drums and much, much more. Our Music is Fun program is for schools and other institutions involved in child education. Under this program, training will be provided to teachers and a set international curriculum will be provided along with other tools for the kids. The teachers will be able to teach your child everything from the basics of the instrument to advanced training in that specific instrument after the training.

Well, there you have it, all the reasons why you should push your child to become actively involved in music. You can even visit the school and allow your child to physically interact with the instruments so that he can choose for himself what instrument he would like to master. The younger your child, the greater the chances of him getting really good at the musical instrument he undertakes. So don’t waste time and get your child enrolled in music school today!

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