Does music improve a child’s memory?

We usually consider memory as an indicator of our intellect and cognitive abilities. And, it is not entirely wrong, as intellect makes us such capable species. Without the help of memory, we humans would not be able to pass down valuable information from one generation to the next. It is an essential part of the process of evolution. It is evident that memory is our tool for reasoning and higher intellect.

Recent studies have revealed that other attributes, like stress, emotions, hormones, and food, can seriously affect the way in which we retain information. On the other side, a lot of studies have shown that music has a profound impact on our cognitive abilities. Researchers are continuously finding how music is efficient in such cases, and how we can leverage this fact to evolve further.

The science behind the memory-boosting ability of music

What happens when we learn something, our brain turns the pieces of information into electrical impulses. These impulses travel through the neurons of the organ through synapses. Creating a memory, in scientific terms, is strengthening the bond between the neurons. This is one of the reasons why concentrating hard on a topic makes us remember what we want to recollect but seem to forget. The theory also explains why we are told to keep reading the same stuff, as it will help us in remembering them whenever we want to. Dopamine, a hormone, is also said to play a crucial role in helping the brain perform better.

Now, in the midst of this, what is the role of music? To start with, scientists have concluded that music training is beneficial for the brain due to the resourcefulness of music for toning the mind for auditory and cognitive fitness. About kids in pre-primary students, it is imperative for their performance that they must be encouraged to go for music training. The improvement in the academic performance of children is credited to this form of exercise, as it leads to better verbal memory, processing power, and literacy. These lessons can help children in achieving advanced brain development. Therefore, the exposure to music in childhood should not be for the sole dreams of turning the kid into a budding musician. It has been noted that even when adults listen to sounds, which seems random notes to them, it is possible that their child is making efforts to find sense in the music, thereby elevating the thinking ability.

The Mozart Effect

After some neurological studies, experts have found quite contradictory results. One of the results is the famous Mozart Effect, which was discovered when some people had increased problem-solving abilities, after listening to the compositions of Mozart. The truth of this effect is yet to be known, as it has worked only in a handful of cases. The test scores of many people have not supported this notion. But, scientists still unanimously agree with the effect of music on a human’s cognitive abilities. What is not known, is the degree by which it is increased.

The Vivaldi Effect

This effect is, on many terms, similar to the Mozart Effect. Researchers have found that listening to Vivaldi’s “Spring”, had boosted the memory and attentiveness of some people. What is astounding, is the fact that the participants in the studies had listened to the complete “Four Seasons” concert performed by Vivaldi, but the first portion from “Spring” had proven to be the most successful when it comes to memory boosting properties.

The value of music education

Studies have proven that kids learning an instrument have found studies to be less complicated, especially the ones which require a lot of thinking and reasoning. The intelligence quotient in the kids also increased as a result of music training. These results beat the ones attained by students taking part in drama classes and other forms of art. The constant success of music learning has shown that music should be made an essential part of the curriculum. Nowadays, educational institutes around the world are working hard to make music an integral part of the students since their pre-school days.

When it comes to genre, classical music has had the highest effect on the intelligence of a child. Also, ambient music with no lyrics are considered to be the best choice, as they do not have any distracting lyrics, and the brain can streamline itself to calm the nerves and elevate the senses. Listening to music also has many benefits, including minimising stress and improving the mood. Both adults and kids can prevent falling into a depression by listening to songs which uplift mood and decrease stress. For enhanced studying techniques, experts recommend slow music in a peaceful environment.

By choosing the right instrument for the child’s age, you can ensure better productivity of the child’s brain, and help them reach their potential. Don’t wait till they are “old enough”. Music can be learnt from a tender age of three.

Furtados Music is Fun and interactive online platform that enables the teachers to create a fun-filled atmosphere and teach music to pre-primary students in a way that gives maximum benefit along with fun. Contact us today and know more about this award-winning international music curriculum.

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