Why Every Student Should Learn to Play an Instrument

From elevating cognitive competence to improving linguistic and listening skills, music helps kids develop discipline and focus at a very early age.

From time immemorial, music has been linked to bringing incredible benefits to kids. Even before the speech was invented, hums and claps were perceived to be the mode of communication amongst the population of the bygone era. Touted as the food of the soul, the humming sounds, notes, and rhythms have shown astounding benefits, especially in kids 5-12 years of age. Fostering cognitive competencies, developing focus, inculcating discipline, strengthening memory, and more, and learning musical instruments have shown outstanding academic success and produced smarter and creatively forward kids. 

Studies conducted by Martin Gugh and his fellow researchers at the University of British Columbia involved a group of 112,916 public school students that were judged based on their intelligence and creativity. In this examination-based study, the researchers found that students engaged in learning instruments successfully scored higher than their non-music peers in subjects like English, Science, and Mathematics. Also, these students were academically a year ahead of their peers and were seen to exhibit strong listening and communication skills. 

Music Boosts Confidence 

Heard of performance anxiety? Learning music and mastering the instrument develops a sense of achievement which gradually turns into confidence. Music bolsters your confidence to face situations like public speaking, debates, elocutions, or performing live in front of audiences. This helps in creating a pool of supremely talented students who are passionate, confident, and intellectually brilliant. Playing music in front of groups, communities, or family and friends helps in elevating the performance capabilities of a child. 

Music Sharpens Memory

Learning music at an early age stimulates different parts of brain development. It strengthens our neural networks and helps a child to grasp, store, create and retrieve data from the brain’s memory as and when required. Studies have shown that kids involved in learning instruments have developed higher memory capacity as compared to non-musical children. In a study conducted amongst children to test memory capacity after training them on a musical instrument for one year, it was revealed that their memory scored significantly better than those who did not undergo any musical training. The auditory WM was measured via a digit span (DS) task, with the vocabulary and block tests of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Child IV (WISC-IV). Results concluded that the memory of children engaged in musical activities can is improved and influences their academic progress. 

Music Fosters Discipline and Time Management

Learning a musical instrument cannot be mastered overnight. It takes a great deal of time and labor to attend music lessons and practice them after completing your academic tasks. Children learn to plan and manage their tasks accordingly and grow a more disciplined approach to learning. Students learn time management skills and organize their tasks. Devoting time outside the lessons to learn an instrument is a real challenge for kids. Being curious, they are innately motivated to learn the instrument and manage their priorities on time. Not only its helps kids, but it aids parents in managing their time and pursuing a hobby, as their kids are now more efficient and have learned to keep up with their things. 

Music Improves Social Skills 

Music is pivotal to imbibing excellent communication skills. Not only it elevates your finger dexterity, but it helps optimize your linguistic abilities. When your little rockstar participates in plays, community bands, and jam sessions with friends and like-minded kids, they learn how to speak and improve their social skills. Plus, it builds a sense of leadership, teamwork, and interaction with your fellow mates. 

At a very early age, your child learns how to work in a team and effectively socialize with fellow mates. Music teaches us important life skills, such as being kind and compassionate with others. It teaches how to respect and learn from others while rooting for building relationships and listening skills. 

Music Raises IQ Levels 

Learning music has been linked to academic success. Learning music helps stimulate brain cells and charts out ways for cognitive and overall brain development. Music is instrumental in improving the high school performance of students in English, Science, and Mental Maths. Many studies have constantly backed the positive influence of music on kids and overall academic scores. 

Many schools have embraced the many benefits of music education on the overall development of children. When a child is taught to cultivate habits of discipline and focus at a very young age, he makes positive shifts in life that later develop into improved successful habits. Music is indeed vital to growing a healthy mind, and every child in India must have access to holistic and high-end music lessons. 

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